South Africa’s vehicle tracking industry was born from criminal intent – hijackings, vehicle theft including loss of goods in transit. And as criminals became more sophisticated, so too did tracking systems upgrade to offer more protection. The real spur to the growth of the tracking industry arrived with digital cell-phone networks in the mid-nineties as prior to this it was only satellite based and expensive.
South Africans can be proud of the innovations they have brought to asset tracking. World class systems have emanated from SA technology that not only track assets but serve as fleet management tools. And with the advent of AARTO – Administration and Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act – it’s going to vital under the demerit system to know what, where and by whom is the vehicle being operated. We now look at vehicle tracking to increase operational safety and reduce costs – fleet security is a system by-product and not the other way around.
However sophisticated digital tracking networks become, there are four operating incidents that have an impact on every other vehicle expense when controlled – Any vehicle over-speeding – based on the gross vehicle mass (GVM) class of a vehicle. This means up to 120kph for all vehicles below 3,500kg GVM, 100kph for all trucks between 3,500kg to 9,000kg GVM and 80kmh for all trucks over 9,000kg GVM. Any vehicle over-revving with an outer r/min parameter based on the engine design – this too is set with fuel economy in mindExcess engine idling – based on a maximum time limit relevant to on-road, in-service conditions. This impacts on fuel consumption and service drain intervalsHarsh braking – as measured by on-board computer set parameters and use of retardation systems
Excessive kilometres increase fleet exposure to accidents and other road risks. High kilometre readings may reduce fixed cost CPK, but the opposite is true for variable expenses – higher kilometres increase every operating expense. Tracking systems allow management to focus on excessive or unnecessary kilometres and pay attention to claims for overtime linked to excessive kilometres.
Telematics for the Entire Isuzu Truck Range
Isuzu satisfies modern fleet management expectations with the most up to date telematics system. Telematics offers real-time fleet management and driver development – it is an essential component of driver training. Telematics is also leading evidence in any court action following a road incident and thus protects a driver against spurious claims.
The entire Isuzu range benefits from a telematics-ready truck and stolen vehicle recovery hardware installed at factory. This includes a panic button and driver ID tag reader already installed.
Compatible with the Mix Telematics fleet management system, it is also compatible with existing third-party fleet management systems at a small additional cost. The stolen vehicle recovery service ready – BEAME – has been installed for some years now.
If you wish to discuss this or for more information, please contact Hennie Botha at 031 713 3145 or at 074 331 1354